Thursday, 25 September 2014

What is Phantom read?

           Phantom means unexpected or unrealistic. It occurs basically when two identical queries are executed, and the set of rows returned by the second query is different from the first. Let’s have a simple example; suppose your banking policy got changed and according to that the minimum balance should be 150$ instead of 100$ for each account type, anyways this is not a big deal for a data base administrator. He will perform an update statement for each account type where the minimum balance is less than 150$ and updates the value to 150$. But unfortunately when the manager checks the database, he got one record with minimum balance less than 150$ in the same table. The DBA got surprised, how come this is possible as he performed the update statement on the whole table.
This is called Phantom read. The occurrence of Phantom reads are very rare as it needs proper circumstances and timing for such type of events as in the above example, someone may have inserted one new record with the minimum balance less than 150$ at the very same time when the DBA executed the UPDATE statement. And as it is a new record, it didn’t interfere with the UPDATE transaction and executed successfully. This type of Phantom reads can be avoided using higher level of isolation i.e. SERIALIZABLE .

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