Tuesday, 15 October 2013

SQL database in Transition .Try statement later or Error no 952

                    This error can occur if a database has been taken offline and another statement of query is run against it. This is a reasonable common bug, in SQL 2005 and in the earliest versions of SQL 2008. I must say, I hav'nt seen SQL Error 952 www.oostdam.info and the correct steps to resolve itit in SQL 2008 R2 yet. Hope it stays that way. Now lets start with the cause of this error. On purpose, or through lots of other reasons, this can happen with databases. There are allways reasons for taking a database offline, mostly before you can attach another copy, but when it becomes inaccessible then, you can get in serious troubles... The transition state normally takes not more then 20 seconds for a database. But this error is always the result of using the SSMS itself. Setting a database offline requires absolute exclusive access to the Database and if any connection is this open, this error will occur. But do not worry! Now I'm certainly not a database administrator, but I picked up a few possibilities on the way which I state here below, keeping the SQL instance as long as possible online. But first to the actual error message. Most of the times it will be something like the picture here on the right en the text will be:
  we cansolve this issue by many wys.But easiest solution  which worked for me.
A little more drastic now, create a new query... Something like the lines below,.... Replace the YOURDBNAME with the correct name of your troubling SQL-database.
and if you want to make it offline
This statement will absolutely take your database offline.

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